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  • Science-Rite CBD
  • 1-877-790-8823
  • 1755 Telstar Drive STE 300 Colorado Springs, CO, 80920

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Can I use Rewards from other Science-Rite Websites?

Certainly! All rewards from Science-RiteTM websites are pooled and can be used across all Science-RiteTM websites.

How do I earn Science-Rite CBDTM Rewards Points?

It's very easy! Anytime you purchase items online you'll earn points!

How can I check my Rewards Points balance?

You can check your Rewards Points anytime, simply sign into your Science-Rite CBDTMaccount and click on rewards. The "Sign-In" will always be located in top right corner of the website.

Do my Rewards Points Expire?

Rewards Points NEVER expire on an active account! Otherwise points will expire one year after your last purchase.

How far do my points go?

Great Question! Start earning today!

  • 400 points gets you $5 OFF coupon.
  • 600 points gets you $10 OFF coupon.
  • 800 points gets you $15 OFF coupon.
  • 1000 points gets you $20 OFF coupon.
  • 2500 points gets you $50 OFF coupon.
What are the tier breakdowns?

Great Question! Let's break it down!

  • Silver (New Members) - 1x
  • Gold - 1.5x Points
  • Platinum - 2x Points Lifetime Membership!!

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